For the 2nd anniversary of the publication of Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist, I’m giving away free eBooks from Monday 6/23 till Friday 6/27. It will be available on as the Kindle version listed at $0.00 with a free App that can be downloaded to any digital device. The book is filled with stories about synchronicities and many others occurred during the writing process. Numerous readers have also reported synchronicities that have happened in their lives while reading the book or doing the Top Ten Mind-Body-Spirit Self-Healing Techniques in the Appendix. It may start a synchronicity chain reaction, so please let me know of any more that occur to you or post a review about it on Amazon. As an Opt-in Gift for subscribing to my free newsletter I will send you the videos that illustrate the Top Ten Techniques. The Let Magic Happen Technique at the end of the book which activates the synchronicity mechanism is described in the June 2014 Let Magic Happen blog. The importance of recognizing the circles of reciprocity in synchronicities is highlighted below in an excerpt from the Epilogue about creating the medicine wheel book cover.
Epilogue Excerpt:
The circle theme reappeared again in my choice of a medicine wheel design for the cover of the book. This process began in 2004 when my brother Pete went to Washington, D.C., for the opening ceremony of the National Museum of the American Indian, a curvilinear building with no visible right angles on the outside and a large round lobby shaped like a giant kiva. While at the museum, he met Alyssa Hinton, one of the featured Native American artists, who happens to live ten minutes from my house in Durham. After Pete introduced me to Alyssa, I wound up buying two of her mixed media composites for my office. In February, 2012, when I woke up one morning with the idea of having a medicine wheel on my cover, I thought of Alyssa immediately. She responded right away with enthusiasm due to the fact that she was just completing her master of art and design degree at North Carolina State University with a thesis centered on a medicine wheel theme. Right after defending her thesis, she started working on my cover, bringing all her sacred hoop energy to that creative project.
The final synchronicity in this process happened on the last day of editing this epilogue. James Redfield came to Duffy Gilligan’s Valhalla estate (featured in Chapter 15) to give a talk on his latest book, The Twelfth Insight, at the invitation of his sister, Joy Kwapien, a local biodynamic farmer and owner of Infinity Farm. Meeting James brought to a wonderful closure my circle of synchronicities that started in Chapter 3 with my dad reading The Celestine Prophecy at the end of his cancer journey. The simple message that James shared in his talk is that authenticity and integrity are the keys to staying in the flow of synchronous interpersonal interactions and creating an abundant future where magic and miracles are the expected outcome. He also noted the importance of looking at every synchronistic meeting as an opportunity to make a positive difference in the world by creating intuitive guidance for the other person as well.