Photo by Dagmar Ehling
Photo by Dagmar Ehling
Larry Burk
My story begins in my hometown at the University of Pittsburgh where I did my medical school and radiology residency training. There I was fortunate to get in on the ground floor of MRI just as it began to flourish in 1985. While doing some of the early research in MRI of the knee I developed a mysterious pain in my left shoulder which was unrelieved by arthroscopic surgery. This experience inspired me to pursue research in MRI of the shoulder at Thomas Jefferson University after doing a musculoskeletal fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, eventually leading to the first study of MRI in professional baseball players with the Philadelphia Phillies.
After this very conventional beginning, I was unexpectedly launched into a multifaceted adventure toward holistic healing in 1987. It was prompted by a perfect storm of events including my father being diagnosed with metastatic renal cancer, discovering my first metaphysical bookstore, and joining the national MRI safety committee to address concerns about claustrophobic patients and the health effects of electromagnetic fields. The safety issues led me to become interested in hypnosis and acupuncture, taking my first hypnosis training in 1990 while beginning to explore alternative cancer therapies for my dad.
The next stop on the journey was private practice in Virginia Beach where I was introduced to the Edgar Cayce material and medical intuition. Experiences with a number of talented intuitives caused a significant paradigm shift in my worldview, and in 1993 I moved to Durham, home of my alma mater, Duke University, and the Rhine Research Center, formerly the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory. I took a job as section head of musculoskeletal radiology at Duke and also pursued parapsychology research in intuitive diagnosis, eventually becoming a founding member of the American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition and Rhine board president for a year.
Upon arriving at Duke I discovered a number of like-minded colleagues and started the Mind-Body Medicine Study Group. The deaths of one of those friends and my father led me down a spiritual rabbithole into the world of dreams and shamanic journeying, including a healing encounter with my first power animal, the jaguar. Following these unusual forms of guidance I co-founded the Duke Center for Integrative Medicine in 1998, became the education director and took the UCLA Acupuncture Course for Physicians. I left full-time radiology and began to practice acupuncture along with hypnosis and dreamwork at a variety of clinics at Duke.
A fortunate twist in the story occurred in 2002 when I was introduced to EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), the perfect combination of my hypnosis and acupuncture training. My very first tapping experience was with a Duke student whose hives after a car accident cleared in one EFT session. Through a series of magical synchronicities in 2004 I was guided to leave Duke and set up Healing Imager, LLC, to offer teleradiology and coaching services. In 2006 I developed a right frozen shoulder which healed in a couple months rather than a couple years with EFT. I became a Certified Energy Health Practitioner through the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology in 2010 and was certified in hypnosis by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in 2011.
After telling stories about all these healing adventures for many years, I was inspired to publish Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist in 2012. Along the way the journey has continued to unfold in mysterious ways. I’ve explored my own various musculoskeletal ailments through the lens of symptoms as metaphors and have gained valuable insights that I enjoy sharing with patients in my practice as well as with healthcare practitioners through workshops. In 2014 my first medical intuition teacher Winter Robinson, MA, invited me to co-facilitate Medical Intuition and Dreams that Heal workshops with her at The Monroe Institute in Faber, VA.
Health-related dreams have expanded as a focus inspiring me to publish a research paper in 2015 on women who had warning dreams about their breast cancers before diagnosis. I gave a Raleigh 2016 TEDx talk on Cancer Warning Dreams that Can Save Your Life in 2016 which was censored despite being based on my scientific research. Through a timely and unexpected synchronicity, I was also invited back to work part-time as a consulting associate at Duke Radiology where I pursued additional dream research in women undergoing breast biopsies.
My use of EFT has expanded to include working with symbolic grief-related illnesses such as sinusitis and post-nasal drip in conjunction with After-Death Communication using imagery and dreamwork. I completed Yes Code coaching certification with Carol Look in 2019 and retired from teleradiology to offer online Let Magic Happen coaching for clients. I am particularly drawn to working with chronic pain clients due to my own past experience with shoulder pain that is now completely healed. Who knows what adventures wait in the future? Please join me on the next step of the journey by reading my book about Dreams That Can Save Your Life.
My dream research at the Duke Breast Imaging Center resulted in publication of an anonymous dream survey of 163 women undergoing breast biopsy showing that only one woman had a warning dream which prompted her biopsy and only 5% reported keeping a dream diary. After completing Ignite Your Power certification with Margaret Lynch Raniere I am now combining dreamwork with tapping and hypnosis in my online coaching practice with a focus on healing the shadow issues of the lower 4 chakras.
I have also become an anti-5G activist organizing a 2021 online course Stay Healthy in a 5G world: Heal Your Home, Heal Your Body. In October 2021 I retired from my academic position at Duke to do full time coaching for clients with pain and inflammatory conditions, although I still teach an annual Tapping into Health course for Duke Integrative Medicine. Since 2018 I’ve also been blogging about politics, COVID and vaccines. I’ve experienced more censorship including my banned Duke 2022 TEDx talk on The Spiritual Alphabet Soup of Death and Dying.
My CV is linked here.
Jan 29, 2025
POSTED BY Larry Burk
Fast forward to early July 2024, and we are back on the dubious Moderna mRNA vaccine gravy train which is leaving the station soon with 176 million doses for the bird flu already ordered by the US government. You don’t think they would order it, if they don’t intend to use it? Coincidentally, a study was published in Nature a week later detailing risky gain-of-function research on pathogenicity and transmissibility of cattle-derived H5NI virus. As documented in RFK, Jr.’s The Wuhan Cover Up, vaccine development often goes hand in hand with bioweapons research. Read the rest of the Bird Flu: Won’t Get Fooled Again blog.
Part 1 & Part 2 free videos
Part 3 - Using EFT & Imagery Experiential group exercise
22 min. edited High-Def video $4.99 in Let Magic Happen Store.
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