Aug 04, 2024
For the past 23 years we have been under a mass hypnotic spell of terror beginning on 9/11/2001 and deepened during the past 4 years of the pandemic. It is time to awaken and take our power back from the predictive programming that is forecasting a dismal future. From the framework of propaganda pioneered by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, marketing mogul Edward L. Bernays of Madison Avenue fame, we can explore how the puppeteers of the invisible government are using the media to manufacture consent and compliance among the general population of the world. Read the rest of the Wake Up from the Trance of Fear blog.
May 20, 2024
While you are indulging in your candy bunny sugarfest on Easter morning, you can take comfort that all you will need to do to manage the resulting diabetes and obesity is a very expensive drug with multiple side effects that you will need to take forever. If instead you tapped away the cravings for that carb bomb breakfast and waited until lunch to eat the low-carb hard boiled eggs, you would be combining the two best holistic approaches using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and intermittent fasting. To learn about these two approaches read the rest of the Holistic Alternatives to Ozempic for Weight Loss blog. Watch 3 new YouTube videos on EFT for Food Cravings, Emotional Eating and Weight Loss.
Dec 20, 2022
I was noticing daily bouts of palpitations associated with mild nausea where I could feel my pulse racing at twice the normal speed. A repeat Holter monitor showed one episode of life-threatening VTach which got me a prescription for a beta blocker. Never having taken any drugs other than antibiotics before, it was an unusual experience. My resting heart rate immediately dropped from 60 to 50, my chronically cold hands and feet got warmer, and my wife noted that my personality was flat.
I embarked on a journey of self-healing exploring every possible natural option beginning with learning to increase my heart rate variability using the Inner Balance Coherence Sensor and App from HeartMath which has been shown to decrease arrhythmias. Cardiac herbs Hawthorn and Arjuna were added to my daily supplements along with homeopathic Digitalis and Aurum Arsenicum as recommended in homeopath Joette Calabrese’s blog My Dad and the Dead Cardiologists.
If you would like to learn more about these holistic approaches, I offer free 20-minute phone coaching consults to assess the emotional state of your heart. Read about the experience of one of my coaching clients in the Holistic Healing for Heart Arrythmias blog.
Feb 22, 2022
If you have new onset of low back pain and your MRI just shows one or more of the findings of aging, how should you respond to this diagnostic information? Could the abnormality have been there already before you developed the symptoms? If the symptoms persist will surgery improve the situation? Is there any other mind-body-spirit explanation for your pain that could be addressed with safe and inexpensive self-healing techniques?
In my recent blog Holistic Healing for Pain and Inflammation I announced a new 2022 free 1 hour Zoom class on the 3rd Tuesday evenings of the month to learn some of these techniques. I will also be offering an online Tapping Into Health course through Duke Integrative Medicine one evening a week in the month of April. Individual Zoom coaching is available including a free 20-minute phone consult that can be requested through my website.
More information about asymptomatic MRI findings can be found in this blog Is My MRI Abnormality the Cause of My Pain?
Jan 27, 2022
I am offering a free Pain and Inflammation Healing Class on Zoom the 3rd Tuesdays each month from 7:30-8:30 PM EST. In the monthly free class we will do 5 minutes of meditation, 5 minutes of expressive writing, 5 minutes of EFT tapping and 5 minutes of self-hypnosis, plus discuss relevant dreams related to fear and anger that contribute to inflammation and pain. For more information see my blog Holistic Healing for Pain and Inflammation. In April I will be leading a 4-week Zoom course on Tapping into Health for Duke Integrative Medicine. If you are interested in individual coaching sessions please contact me through my website.
Dec 06, 2021
Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, has described four conditions that must be met for “mass formation” to occur when a population willingly sacrifices their freedoms under totalitarianism. The 1st is lack of bonding and social isolation; the 2nd is lack of meaning and purpose; the 3rd is free-floating anxiety and discontent; and the 4th is widespread frustration and aggression. He estimates that 30% of people are deeply hypnotized; 40% are not but may go along with the crowd; and 30% cannot be hypnotized leading to our current state of affairs.
Nov 06, 2021
Have you tried everything and your physical symptoms still will not go away? Your body may be attempting to get a message to your conscious mind that there is an imbalance in your life. Meditation, expressive writing, emotional freedom techniques (EFT), self-hypnosis and dreamwork can all be useful in Healing Lower Chakra Shadow Issues in Physical Illnesses. These mind-body-spirit self-healing techniques focus on Transforming Symptoms as Metaphors by exploring their hidden emotional meanings. Releasing these emotions is the key to Transforming Symptoms of the Lower 4 Chakras which will be the subject of a Saturday Zoom workshop on 11/13/21 from 10 AM to 3 PM EST.
Sep 17, 2021
Critical care specialists Pierre Kory and Paul Marik published a review of 18 randomized controlled trials of Stromectol in 2021 showing large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. It was a follow up to Dr. Kory’s testimony before the Senate in May 2020. These findings were confirmed in a 2021 meta-analysis of 24 randomized controlled trials by Theresa Lawrie, PhD, an evidence-based medical consultant to the WHO. The results of these studies have increased the demand for actual human Stromectol prescriptions by an order of magnitude from 3589 per week in early 2020 to 39,102 per week in January 2021, despite the news being dominated by reports of people resorting to dosing themselves with horse paste. Read the rest of the Early Treatment vs Stay at Home Until You Can’t Breathe blog.
Aug 05, 2021
Everyone has blocks to creating abundant health and wealth that represent blind spots in our approach to life. Emotional turmoil and physical symptoms are messages from our mind and body that can guide us on the path to our goals. Please join my wife Dagmar Ehling, LAc, MAc, DOM(NM), and I to learn more in a Saturday, 8/7/2021, live interactive Zoom workshop on Abundant Health & Wealth: A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Success which will also include instruction in healthy nutrition and financial skills. For more information read the EFT & Homeopathy for Overcoming Fear blog.
Jul 22, 2021
There are several remedies for the emotional stresses that lack of abundance can cause. If you would like to learn more my husband Larry Burk, holistic radiologist/EFT coach, and I will be leading a Saturday, 8/7/2021, live interactive Zoom workshop on Abundant Health & Wealth: A Mind-Body-Spirit Approach to Success which will include EFT tapping on health and wealth, and homeopathy & nutrition for abundance and financial skills. For more information read the Homeopathy & Put Options: A Winning Stock Market Combination blog.
Zoom Workshop
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
10 AM to 3 PM EDT
Register Here
$99.11 with $50 off
EARLYBIRD50 discount code down to $49.11
Video recordings available on 9/8/2024
Duke Integrative Medicine
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
Durham, NC
6-8 pm EDT, In-Person & Zoom
Information & Registration
Aug 04, 2024
POSTED BY Larry Burk
For the past 23 years we have been under a mass hypnotic spell of terror beginning on 9/11/2001 and deepened during the past 4 years of the pandemic. It is time to awaken and take our power back from the predictive programming that is forecasting a dismal future. From the framework of propaganda pioneered by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, marketing mogul Edward L. Bernays of Madison Avenue fame, we can explore how the puppeteers of the invisible government are using the media to manufacture consent and compliance among the general population of the world. Read the rest of the Wake Up from the Trance of Fear blog.
Part 1 & Part 2 free videos
Part 3 - Using EFT & Imagery Experiential group exercise
22 min. edited High-Def video $4.99 in Let Magic Happen Store.
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